Reimagining Mobile Computing and Networking

Welcome to the Mobile Embedded NeTworked Intelligent Systems laboratory (MENTIS, Latin for "of the mind") website. At MENTIS, we are a team of researchers devoted to continuously disrupting the status quo in mobile computing, wireless networking and artificial intelligence.

Principal Investigator:
Francesco Restuccia

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University

Dr. Restuccia’s research aims at creating new and unconventional pathways to push the performance of mobile systems beyond what is possible today. Over the years, Dr. Restuccia invented or co-invented a number of patents in these areas.

Dr. Restuccia’s research group is generously supported by a number of projects funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense. He received the Mario Gerla Award for Young Investigators in Computer Science in 2019, as well as the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2023, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award in 2023, as well as Best Paper Awards from IEEE INFOCOM 2022 and IEEE WOWMOM 2022. Dr. Restuccia is a Senior Member of IEEE and ACM.

Learn more about Dr. Restuccia here.

We have a Postdoctoral Researcher position available in our group! Please apply here.


May 23, 2024

Dr. Restuccia joins the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.

May 23, 2024

Dr. Restuccia is invited to serve in the TPC of IEEE INFOCOM 2025.

Dec 03, 2023

Dr. Restuccia is invited to serve in the TPC of ACM MobiHoc 2024.

Dec 02, 2023

One paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

Dec 01, 2023

Two papers accepted for publication in IEEE INFOCOM 2024.

Nov 18, 2023

Dr. Restuccia will serve as TPC Chair of IEEE MedComNet 2024.


FuSe: Deep Learning and Signal Processing using Silicon Photonics and Digital CMOS Circuits for Ultra-Wideband Spectrum Perception
NeTS: Medium: Resilient-by-Design Data-Driven NextG Open Radio Access Networks
NeTS: Small: Reliable Task Offloading in Mobile Autonomous Systems Through Semantic MU-MIMO Control